Unified services are the goal of the planet, and they are becoming increasingly in demand. One of the more recent advancements in this technology is that of electronic medical records in the United States. By connecting all departments of medical records with the doctors and hospitals who use them, we are allowing information to be spread quickly and electronically, which can take many forms.
Another form of widespread services is that of viral video. By subscribing to certain services, you can create a video, submit it, and have it uploaded to 30 or 50 websites at the same time. Not only does this same you time in the distribution of information, but it also frees you up to answer queries that may result from those advertisement videos.
Cell phones are also in this field since combining access to all of our information in one portable place seems to be the goal of the hour. More smart phones are increasing their abilities to access social networking sites, web pages for mobile banking, and several email accounts. Their users are usually connected to their home offices at all times, and require 24/7 access to their information, no matter what part of the world they are in.
Computers have developed to be lighter, faster and had more memory capabilities. This gives people the ability to work on their presentations, bring them to a meeting, say hello to a family member back home afterward, and later that night, perhaps play a war game with an Internet buddy from another country. The advertisements are all about how you can communicate faster, easier and more efficiently, and why their computer allows you to do that.
New advances in technology are taking place every month at least, and certainly sooner that than in some cases. The Post Office has seen a significant decrease in business, and more communication takes place electronically now than ever passes through their company doors. Telegrams are a thing of the future, and if email doesn't work, then most people will resort to a FedEx or UPS letter to get to its destination quickly.
The electronic transfer of information is huge when it comes to global communications, and with the advent of more demand comes the response of machines and computers with greater capabilities. Our engineers are becoming much more innovative in their approach to design and user-friendliness, and they are aware that we cannot sacrifice ease of use for advanced options. This is a carefully balanced race which has to include the preferences of the people with the abilities of the technology.
The world is moving quickly towards becoming a single living unit, versus several continents functioning on their own. Stock markets, families, school students, you name it, they all use unified communications, and it is becoming more international on a daily basis. With our needs growing, so too will our knowledge in how to best use the functions we have and can develop, to the most profitable use for the world's citizens.